Affiliate members are real estate professionals and other individuals or firms engaged in activities related to the real estate profession, who do not qualify for REALTOR® membership. Affiliate members have interests in the real estate industry and they promote the REALTOR® objectives of IVAR. Affiliate members and the Affiliate Committee play an important industry role supporting the diverse efforts of IVAR’s REALTOR® members.
Interested in Joining?…Choose and Application:
Affiliates gain an advantage in business and enrich their personal lives by becoming an Affiliate member in IVAR. Affiliate members have the opportunity to:
- Attend IVAR events, including membership meetings and social activities
- Network with more than 3,000 local real estate professionals
- Gain access to IVAR’s monthly REALTOR directory
- Be listed in the IVAR Affiliate Directory, a ready-resource for hundreds of REALTOR® members
- Sponsor meetings, programs and events to gain valuable exposure in the real estate community
- Serve on IVAR committees and community service projects to earn personal and company recognition within the Inland Region
Benefits of Becoming an Affiliate Member
As an Affiliate member you may attend membership meetings, special activities, social functions and seminars… providing a wonderful opportunity for networking with our REALTOR® members. You will receive communications from the Inland Valleys Association of REALTORS®, and be on our IVAOR web-site. You are invited to sponsor any of our new member orientations, classes, seminars, special events such as our Installation Dinner. You can help plan, organize and execute many events for the association which helps raise money for the Affiliates Committee as well as give those participating affiliates the chance to get more exposure in front of the REALTOR® members at these planned events. This is an excellent way to advertise your company!
- Contact Rachelle Quillman (951-836-1958 if we can help you connect with our association and its members.
- As an Affiliate Member can I gain access to MLS Services?
NO, you must have an Active Real Estate License to become a Realtor Member to gain access to MLS Services. - As an Affiliate Member can I obtain a SUPRA Key?
YES, if you hold an Appraiser’sLicense. - Do Affiliates have to attend the Mandatory Orientation Class?
NO, only Realtor Members. - When / Where would an Affiliate use the Username and Password?
Membership dues are due every year and you may log on HERE to make a payment by check or credit using your username and password.