[efstoggles class=”legal-policies”]
[efstoggle title=”Banning”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
$50 per year for agents and brokers. The $50 flat rate is first listed on fee schedule of the application. The fee can go higher depending on the number of employees brought into Banning to work. This fee schedule is listed on the back of the application.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes. Broker has to have a business license, as well as, each individual agent. Technically, every agent and broker has to have a license. There have been instances where people do not follow this rule and that it needs to be enforced more.
Outside agents require a fee?
Agents who do business inside Banning, but are based outside pay a $50 fee.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
- Brokers and Agents must fill out the packet located HERE.
- Then, pay a fee based on the number of employees Ex: 0-5 is $50, 6 to 10 is $110.
- Then, they must pay a fire inspection fee of $134.
- Lastly, they must pay a building and safety fee of $88.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Canyon Lake”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
- Real Estate agents: $20
- Real Estate Brokers: $90
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, it is $20 for Real Estate Agents, Brokers, $90, for the Business License fee.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
You will need to fill out a Plot Plan application, and turn it in with your initial business license application. Forms are available at City Hall, and must be turned into them, once completed.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Chino”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
It is $50 for the 1st broker, $40 for every additional broker. It is $10 for every employee and sales persons (agents).
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, a $50 fee with application.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
For commerical locations: You need to fill out the application indicating location of business. Visit Planning Department and verify zoning approval.
For home based locations: You will need to fill out a home occupation permit, paying a 1 time fee of $235. Your property will be reviewed. If you own the home and their is no homeowner association in the picture, you will just need to fill out the permit application form to get approval. If there is a homeowner association, you will need an approval from them, to submit along with the permit application.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Chino Hills”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Brokers have to pay a $53 annual fee. Real estate agents are exempt.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
If they are independent contractors, they need a business license. If they are just regular employees working for the broker (secretary, etc.), they don’t need it.
Outside agents require a fee?
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
They need to get a zoning permit from Building and Safety for a commercial location, and pay a $53 flat fee for the business license. For home based business, they need a business license and home occupation form. The home occupation permit fee is a one time fee of $120 and renewals every year.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Claremont”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Based on how much you make. The breakdown, taken from the Business License Application under “Professional”, goes as follows: $102.72 for the first 0 – $5,000 in Gross Receipts, plus $1.10 per $1,000 in excess of $5,000. Maximum of $310.70 for one Professional, plus $150 for each additional professional in excess of one. So if more than one professional working in your office, you would pay $150 for each extra professional.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, whether you are selling or buying a home.
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, same as real estate brokers and agents. Refer to fee schedule on city business application fee schedule, listed under “professional”.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
- Determine the location for your business and get all of the necessary permits
- File a fictitious business name
- Determine whether you need a resale number
- Obtain any permits or licenses required by state or federal government, for your business
- Apply for your business license.
For more details, CLICK HERE.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Colton”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Based on Annual gross receipts Follow Tax Class “C”, follow $200 tax rate, CLICK HEREto look at the tax schedule on Colton’s website for “professional/semi-professional category”.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, they do as per City of Colton Municipal Code, Chapter 5.02.030 License-Required, states “it is unlawful for any person to transact and carry on any business, trade, profession, calling, or occupation in the city without first having procured a license to do so and without complying with any and all applicable provisions of this chapter”.
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, it is $200 as per 5.02.640 – Real estate agent. “For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the selling of real estate and not having a fixed place of business in the city, an annual license tax of two hundred dollars shall be paid.”
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Contact the Business License division or the Planning Division, to get information about the zoning requirements for the business and other requirements you might need. You must either obtain a Business Occupancy Permit or Home Occupancy Permit, depending on where you will be operating and the appropriate fees. Here are the fees: Business License Application Fee: $65 Deposit, $25 for Application; Business Occ. Permit: $290 (one-time fee) Home Occ. Permit: $50 (one-time fee). At the time you file your business license application, you must also include a copy of your Fictitious Business Name Filing or Articles of Incorporation, Resale Permit from the State Board of Equalization, San Bernardino County Health Permit, shall be submitted if required for your business.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Corona”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Broker: $55 annual flat rate Agent: If the broker’s business is based inside of Corona, there is a flat annual fee of $22 they must pay. Otherwise, if based outside, no fee is required. The broker the agent works under, just must have a license.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, both do.
Outside agents require a fee?
No. Just the broker of that agent is required to pay that fee which is $55.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
You just need to obtain a business license and get your commerical location zoned, by the Planning Department. Home operated businesses, do not require zoning. The Planning Department’s number is 951-736-2262.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Fontana”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
The minimum fee is $60. Fees are based off of gross receipts.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, both must have one. A broker, however, if he/she is paying the in lieu state tax, the fee for the license will be based on the cost of doing business out of their location, in Fontana.
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, the minimum fee is $60.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
It is recommended that you 1st go to the Planning Department and get all of the zoning that is appropriate. Then after this, go to the business license department. It will usually take 2-3 weeks for processing, after all steps have been taken.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Grand Terrace”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
If the physical location of the business is in the city, the business license fee is calculated by gross receipts. See the Gross Receipts Tax Schedule.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, a $50 fee with application, for both real estate agents and brokers.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
It is a three step process: Applicants need to fill out a land use application which will be reviewed by planning. Next, building and safety will inspect the property and issue a certificate of occupancy. Lastly, you must fill out the business license application. All three forms will be submitted at the same time.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Highland”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
There is no stated fee according to the office, but the office said that if it is a commerical business, the fee is $500 initial fee, plus a $35 annual renewal. If it is home based, the fee is $100, plus a $35 annual renewal.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, both.
Outside agents require a fee?
$125 annual fee, with a $35 renewal.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
The person must go to the Planning Department and get all of the zoning done, pay for the permits (either home occupation permit or commercial occupation permit), and pay the fees.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Jurupa Valley”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
$45 for initial licenses, $30 for annual renewal
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes. Agents and Brokers would pay a $45 fee to register.
Outside agents require a fee?
No fee.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
You would have to go to the Land Use Division to see what requirements are needed, if any. Then you would set up your certificate to register your business.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”La Verne”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Based on gross receipts.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, for both.
Outside agents require a fee?
If they are showing a home, no. If they are listing a home, yes.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Home based business: You need to pay a one time $150, for a home occupancy permit. For a business license, it is based on gross receipts or net receipts.
Commercial Based Business: P.O. Boxes are not allowed. You need a certificate of occupancy that is based on square footage.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Lake Elsinore”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
- Real Estate Brokers: $94
- Other fees: Commercial/Industrial/Retail locations requiring inspection: $73
- Home Based Businesses: $38
- Plus Home Occ Permit Fee: $20
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, per 5.08.020 Compliance – License required.
Outside agents require a fee?
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
For commercial businesses (i.e., Restaurant, Retail, Industrial, Office Space) you must complete the Building & Zoning Compliance Application and the EVMWD Commercial/Industrial Information Form to be submitted to our Planning Department for zoning approval. Additional requirements may be required. Please contact our Planning Division at 951.674.3124 ext. 220 if you have any questions.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Loma Linda”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Inside city operation fees: Based on gross receipts. So, there is a $15 flat rate and after this it is .50 per every $1,000 based on gross receipts. Outside: People doing business from outside city limits, but doing business in city, pay $30 flat rate.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Outside agents require a fee?
They must pay a $50 annual fee to do business in the City.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
- Home Based Business: They need a business license and a home occupancy permit.
- Commerical based business: They will need a business license, fire protection permit and a land use permit.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Menifee”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
$45 for both real estate agents or brokers
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, both.
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes, which is $45.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
If you are planning to conduct business in the City of Menifee you must obtain a City of Menifee business license. If you are starting a new business, you must also check to see if you need to record a Fictitious Business Name (www.riversideacr.com). Depending on the type of business you conduct, you may be required to interact with more than one City department to acquire a business license. For example, your business facility may require City zoning or building code approval, or the services you provide may require special licenses. The Business License Information Guide contains contact information for city, county, state and federal resources as well as useful information regarding business licenses. CLICK HERE to see the guide.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Montclair”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
$40 for base fee .60 per every $1000 on gross receipts on commission.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, for both.
Outside agents require a fee?
They need a business license. They don’t have to fill out a zoning form. They will have to fill out a out-of-town business license. They will also have to pay the base fee of $40, plus .60 per every $1,000 of gross receipts.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
1st, you must fill out a fictious business name with San Bernardino County. Next, you must fill out a business application. Then you must get zoning approval of your office. For home based business, you must fill out a home occupation permit for a one-time fee of $64.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Moreno Valley”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
The base fee is $61, the remainder fee will be based on gross receipts calculated at the end of the year.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, for both per City of Moreno Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 5.02.020(A)
Outside agents require a fee?
The base fee is $61, the remainder fee will be based on gross receipts calculated at the end of the year.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Commercial based business, they need a certificate of occupancy which is $214.70. Then a fire inspection of the place, at $151 and planning fee at $45.50. For home based businesses, $95 plus the base $61 business license fee.
Business License Application Link
http://www.moreno-valley.ca.us/city_hall/forms.shtml?tab=1#Tab-mv [/efstoggle]
[efstoggle title=”Norco”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Per the City Code: Every real estate broker operating within the city, whether or not his office is located within the city limits, shall pay an annual license tax of forty-five dollars plus ten dollars for each employee and ten dollars for each real estate salesperson whose license is held active by real estate sales office and which person is not assigned full-time to sales activity outside the city.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, according to the website: A City business license is necessary prior to commencing a business or any work in the City of Norco. The City of Norco’s business license term is for a twelve month period starting July 1 and ending every year on June 30.
Outside agents require a fee?
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Per the website: Once you fill out the City of Norco business license application and/or the appropriate supplemental forms, please submit them to the City of Norco, Business License Division, 2870 Clark Avenue, Norco, CA 92860. The City mails out the business license within a week after payment is received and all department approvals have been obtained. Once received, please post your business license at your place of business.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Ontario”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
It is a $50 base fee, plus there is a license tax which is based on gross receipts. So it is the base fee, plus whatever the commission (gross receipts) was.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
For a broker, they need their license. Also, agents will have to get one individually.
Outside agents require a fee?
They must pay a $50 base fee, plus commission (based on gross receipts). They must fill out the Out of City Business Application.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Get the location; fill out the business license; Owner must fill out and sign application; provide a sight plan of the office; square footage and an alarm permit.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Perris”]
Contact Information:
- http://cityofperris.org
- 101 N. D Street, Perris, CA 92570
- (951) 943-6100
- Hours: Monday through Thursday 8 am – 6 pm
- Map to City Hall • Contact us form
What is the Business License Fee?
- Real Estate Broker: rough estimate of $250-$300, which includes the certificate of occupancy fee aqnd fire and safety inspection done.
- For Agents: no fee.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Just the brokers
Outside agents require a fee?
Only agents who are managing property in the City which is $100 per year. Otherwise, no fee is charged.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
You need a location, then planning must do the zoning for the property. Next, you must submit any improvements that need to be done. Next, you need to submit a floor plan, ficticious buisness name, articles of incorporation and the business license application.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Pomona”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Commercial locations: Planning must sign off on all of the zoning, floor plans and site before you can pay the business license fee. You also must fill out a fire department questionnaire. The fee is $106.50. Home Office: You must pay the standard $106.50 fee to planning, plus $120.33 for the Home Occupation Permit. After your business license is approved, business license fees are adjusted based on estimated yearly gross receipts with renewal periods ending March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31. This initial license is issued for the current six month period. It will then be extended if the estimated gross receipts are less than the minimum $10,000 or the business will be billed an additional amount for the next six month period.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Outside agents require a fee?
If you are just showing a home, they do not need to pay a fee. But if they are doing something, like turning on the water on a property they don’t use, they will be charged a $106.50 initial fee.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Either a commercial or residential location, planning must sign off on all of the zoning, see the location, see the floor plan 1st. You can call planning at 909-620-2191.
You must call planning (909-620-2191), to have them fax you a form. They do not give out business license applications to people, until everything has been approved.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Rancho Cucamonga”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
The fee is based on gross receipts. Check fee schedule on business application. Check city requirements under “professional/semi-professional” ex: A-100,000 x .0005 + $113= X fee to the city minimum fee is $22 Index determined by how much agent anticipates they will make. Broker or agent is responsible for getting will make certif. of occupancy/fire inspection done.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes. Agents will have to get their own business license, unless the broker says that he/she will pay for them.
Outside agents require a fee?
They are required to have a business license, and pay a minimum business license fee of $22.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Fill out business license information. The information is then checked by planning department (location must be approved at the end of process). Then, you must fill out emergency information with the fire department.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Redlands”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
The fee is based on gross receipts. $24 for the first $5,000 grossed. $7.50 for each, $2500 additional or any portion thereafter.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, anyone whether a realtor or broker, is required to have their business license.
Outside agents require a fee?
Outside realtors and brokers pay $92 for the intial annual license.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Premises must be inspected by Building & Safety Department and the Fire Department in order to receive your Certifcate of Occupancy. The inspections must take place and the total fee for these inspections is $129.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Riverside”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
$126 for the year.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, both must have one.
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes. It is a $126 fee, plus a $6 fee per person who works under that agent or broker.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
It is recommended that you 1st check with planning and zoning telling them the site that you want. Then, fill out the application for the business license.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Riverside County (Unincorporated)”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
$45 for initial licenses, $30 for annual renewal.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes. Agents and Brokers would pay a $45 fee to register.
Outside agents require a fee?
No fee.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
You would have to go to the Land Use Division to see what requirements are needed, if any. Then you would set up your certificate to register your business.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”San Bernardino”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Based on gross receipts Pay $60 for first $15,000 and so on.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes. Brokers pay a flat rate of $300 per year. Agents pay $60, based on gross receipts, per year.
Outside agents require a fee?
Yes. They pay a $60 fee per year.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
First, you need to go to the Community Development Department to get a zone verification done, whether the business is located in a commercial building or inside your home. Their telephone number is (909)-384-5071
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”San Bernardino County (Unincorporated)”]
Contact Information:
- http://www.sbcounty.gov/
- 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue – San Bernardino, CA 92415
- For General County Information please call:(909) 387-2020 or Toll Free (888) 818-8988
What is the Business License Fee?
Not required within the Unincorporated Areas of San Bernardino County (per the County Code, Business License Offices)
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Not required
Outside agents require a fee?
Not required
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Not required
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Sand Dimas”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
It is a flat fee of $118.80 for real estate agents or brokers.
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes, for both.
Outside agents require a fee?
If it is a real estate agency located outside of the city, but has properties inside San Dimas, the agency can apply for a business license that the broker and/or agent can use to show a home or do business. If it is an independent real estate broker/agent, they would have to pay for the license themselves. Fee for either case, is $118.80.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Commercial Locations: Must pick out a location, then have the Planning Department check if it is properly zoned. If yes, the Planning Department can sign off on the business license application.
Home based business: Need to get the business license; must be zoned by Planning Department; you must pay a one-time occupation fee of $20.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Upland”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Per Agent, it is $54 Per Broker, it is $54 Extra Personnel (receptionist, accountant): $4.50 fee Maximum Fee: $864 (say if we had 40 agents, this is maximum fee)
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Part I. If he/she is from an outside area, showing a home or selling, then no. We have no way of tracking it, and he/she is already licensed through the state. However, if it is track or model home, if he/she is greeting people, doing paperwork, and earning a commission in there, then yes, he does need a business license. Usually, the agent or broker is under the direction of the building company.
Part II. If he has a company located in the city, then yes he does need a business license. Everyone in the office, including the brokers, agents and secretary, need a business license.
Outside agents require a fee?
No fee required, agents and brokers just must have their business license.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
Part I. If you have a location picked out, community development will see if you are zoned for the property (usually, you will be). You set up your business, through the application you are requried to fill out. No need for a ficticious business name, if your last name is on the business title.
Part II. If you are a corporation, you must show the articles of the corporation, plus your ficticious business name filing both, with the San Bernardino County. Then you must find a newspaper in the county and file a fictious business name, showing your intentions to start a business. You also must provide the receipt of the the ad you put in the paper.
Business License Application Link
[efstoggle title=”Yucaipa”]
Contact Information:
No Information
What is the Business License Fee?
Flat rate for everyone: $50 for the 1st time fee, $45 renewal fee every year after. However, you can pay $75 at the 1st renewal if you anticipate you will be in business for a long time (you will save $15). You could also pay $105 for 3 yrs, saving you $30 savings. (both are options).
Business License required for Brokers and Agents?
Yes. The city does require real estate agents and brokers to have a business license to conduct business in the city.
Outside agents require a fee?
No charge for agents who have business outside, but do business inside Yucaipa. It is just a flat rate for everyone.
If you set up an office there, what are the steps that need to be taken?
If it is an office in a commercial location that has used the office in a similar way previously, you will need to get a business license first. Then community development has to appove for zoning, however if a similarly operated business was there before, it is usually a straighforward approval.
Business License Application Link